
Why Are Dogs Dying In Dog Trainer’s Dog Boot Camps?


Dog boot camps are very stressful for dogs of all ages! Don't take any chances with your beloved pet.

Recently, Dogs Have Been Dying At An Alarming Rate In Dog Boot Camps

We have told clients for many years that dog boot camps are very stressful for dogs, they will lose weight, and sometimes they show physical signs of stress. While in the boot camp, dogs are not at home doing all the fun things they like to do; they are not allowed to bark, jump, pull on the leash, and generally not have any fun. In recent years, the boot camps have become shorter and shorter to appease clients. This change in camp duration, meant even more stress and pressure on the dogs!

If you are not familiar with the recent deaths, a quick Google search will give you various recent cases…

Some dogs can handle dog boot camps. Typically, dogs that have been to boarding throughout their lives can handle boot camps. Younger dogs are also typically able to handle stressful dog boot camps. What you want to make sure is that your dog will not be in a hot place without proper cooling. A few of the dogs that have died have been from overheating, or heat stroke. The pressure and stress of a dog boot camp can add to the dogs having a more difficult time keeping their bodies cool.

Contact us for more information regarding private in home dog training! Toll Free: 844-444-6677

Our Dog Boot Camp Is Very Unique

We only take on one or two dogs at a time. We spend the entire day with each dog. During the summer months, we take client’s dogs to the beach and do most of our training there. In most cases, we actually take the dogs camping to the beach and actually enjoy the training with the dogs… imagine that! In your research for dog trainers, you will find a lot of dog trainers that are hard to contact and do not want to give you a showing of where the dogs will be staying. Typically, it’s because they are working out of their home and it’s dirty and overcrowded. In many cases, it’s not even legal, cause they do not, or cannot, get a kennel license. Contact us today for more information on our dog beach boot camp training, it’s cool, it’s calm, and it’s one of a kind!


Many Dog Trainers Also Have Licensing And Insurance Issues

In my honest opinion… the smarter dog trainers keep things small and simple. Once a dog trainer tries to go big time and start hiring staff, is usually when things start going bad. Realistically, the dog training business is not set up for big business. To be a dog trainer usually means long days, nights, and very rare vacations. Most dog trainers have client’s dogs with them and they usually have a group of their own dogs, too. It’s very known in the industry that dog trainers hit burnout and have a hard time dealing with years of pressure and stress of making ends meet. Make sure you do some research and choose a dog trainer that has things under control after many years of business. Trust your gut, if things don’t add up, then keep looking till they do.


dog boot camp trainer

One of the most popular and in demand dog training programs in Los Angeles!

private in-home dog trainer

Although most people lean towards the boot camp program, some people want to be more involved in the training.

dog aggression trainer

Dog aggression should never be taken lightly. Even the most mild cases of dog aggression should always be considered dangerous and dealt with by a professional!

world renowned ventura dog trainers
call us now 844-444-6677

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OMG, what's next

You really should stay tuned and check back from time to time! We always have big things in the works and we love to share them with you. Call us today and lets chat about the future! CALL NOW TOLL FREE: 844-444-6677

let's make your dog awesome!

Too many people really don't realize how awesome their dogs can be, and it really doesn't take much work. Seriously!


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